What is drape? How to use? Why does it keep coming back and become fashionable again? And why do we love to use drape in our designs?
Drape is the textile term given to folded and sewn parts of any fabric type. It is a technique that is frequently used not only in clothes but also in home textiles. The origin of the word is French and the meaning of the word can be explained as “to lower the folds beautifully”.
For example, we used drape detail on both the collar and waist area of the dress in the photo. :)
If there is a fashion detail that has survived from antiquity to the present day, it is undoubtedly drape. This technique, which is used in night dresses, day wear, dresses, skirts, in short, at every stage of fabric, turns and becomes fashionable again! Because draped models have the magic of showing the body lines thinner than in the area where the drape is.
We like to include drape details in almost every season because we love to use this fabric game that suits every body shape, regardless of size, and adds movement to the design, no matter how minimal and calm it may be.
For example, SOPHIA BLOUSE, which has become one of our most popular products, has drape details on both the collar and the sleeve.
This detail, which provides a great advantage especially for those who want to camouflage a certain part of their body, will be frequently encountered in the invitation dresses of the 2022 summer season. Let's not forget that most of the time it is not just dressing well, but dressing right is more important than anything else!
See you in our next blog post!
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